Information For Authors
We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies and the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register; if you are already registered, you can log in.
Original Research [Template]
Original research articles present novel findings with significant contributions to scientific knowledge. These articles should provide a clear research question, robust methodology, and comprehensive analysis of results. They should include a structured format with the following sections:
- Title (concise and informative)
- Authors and Affiliations
- Abstract (structured summary, 150-250 words)
- Keywords (3-6 keywords)
- Introduction (background, research gap, objectives)
- Methods (detailed description, e.g. study design, respondent,data collection, data analysis, and ethical clearance)
- Results (clear presentation of findings with tables and figures)
- Discussion (interpretation, significance, limitations, and future research directions)
- Conclusion (summary of findings and implications)
- Acknowledgment (optional)
- Conflict of interest
- References (formatted in APA 7th style, minimum 20 references)
- Word count: 3000 - 8000 words
Case Report [Template]
Authors are encouraged to explain how the case report is rare or unusual and its educational and/or scientific merit in the cover letter accompanying the manuscript submission.
- Unreported or unusual side effects or adverse interactions involving medications.
- Unexpected or unusual symptoms of illness.
New associations or variations in the disease process. - Presentation, diagnosis and/or management of new and emerging diseases.
- Unexpected relationships between diseases or symptoms.
- A community program requiring scientific intervention.
- Unexpected events in the course of patient observation or care.
- Findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or its adverse effects.
Manuscript Structure:
- Title (concise and specific)
- Authors and Affiliations
- Abstract (structured, 150-250 words)
- Keywords (3-6 keywords)
- Introduction (background, case significance)
- Case Presentation (detailed patient information, clinical findings, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome)
- Discussion (comparison with literature, implications, and lessons learned)
- Conclusion (summary and recommendations)
- References (minimum 10 references in APA 7th style)
- Word count: 2000 - 4000 words
Review [Template]
Review articles provide a comprehensive, critical analysis of existing literature on a specific topic in health sciences. They summarize, evaluate, and synthesize current knowledge while identifying research gaps and future directions.
Types of review articles include:
- Systematic reviews (structured methodology, meta-analysis)
- Narrative reviews (broad overview of the literature)
- Scoping reviews (mapping key concepts, research gaps)
Manuscript Structure:
- Title (reflecting the review scope)
- Authors and Affiliations
- Abstract (structured summary, 150-250 words)
- Keywords (3-6 keywords)
- Introduction (rationale, research gap, objectives)
- Methods (search strategy, inclusion/exclusion criteria)
- Main Discussion (critical synthesis, thematic analysis)
- Conclusion (summary, research gaps, recommendations)
- References (minimum 30 references in APA 7th style)
- Word count: 4000 - 8000 words
Short communication [Template]
- It is not a preliminary study or initial report.
- Opinion or opposition to existing theories.
- Substantial re-analysis of a previously published article.
- Contains the essence of the knowledge you want to share.
- Title, authors, affiliation, corresponding author, introduction, discussion, conclusion, references (3 - 8), 2000 - 3000 words count.