Association between breast care knowledge and smooth breast milk production in post-caesarean mothers


  • Hellis Tria Agustin Delivery Room Unit, Ibunda Mother and Child Hospital, Tanah Laut, Indonesia
  • Dwi Rahmawati Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Eirene Eunika Meidiana Gaghauna Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Siti Noor Hasanah Department of Midwife Profession, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia



Breast care, Breastfeeding, Cesarean section, Maternal health, Lactation


Background: Sectio caesarean (SC) is increasingly common, with significant challenges for breastfeeding due to factors like postoperative pain and mobility limitations. Proper breast care can support milk production, yet many mothers lack adequate knowledge about its importance and techniques. Understanding the relationship between breast care knowledge and breastfeeding outcomes in post-SC mothers is critical to improving maternal and child health.

Objective: This study aimed to examine the relationship between breast care knowledge and smooth breast milk production among post-SC mothers.

Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 30 post-SC mothers at Ibunda Mother and Child Hospitals, Tanah Laut, from September to November 2023. Participants were selected through accidental sampling. Data on breast care knowledge and milk production were collected using validated instruments and analyzed using chi-square tests.

Results: Most respondents had sufficient breast care knowledge (73%), and 90% reported smooth breast milk production. However, no significant association was found between breast care knowledge and milk production (p = 0.78). This indicates that while knowledge is vital, other factors such as psychological and physiological conditions also play a role.

Conclusion: Although most participants demonstrated good knowledge and milk production, this study highlights that breastfeeding success is multifactorial, requiring holistic approaches that address physical, psychological, and social dimensions. Integrating education with practical support could enhance breastfeeding outcomes.


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How to Cite

Agustin, H. T., Rahmawati, D., Gaghauna, E. E. M. ., & Hasanah, S. N. (2025). Association between breast care knowledge and smooth breast milk production in post-caesarean mothers. Health Sciences International Journal, 3(1), 40-53.

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