Breast cancer screening in postpartum mother: A literature review

Skrining kanker payudara pada ibu postpartum: Tinjauan literatur


  • Dwi Rahmawati Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Sismeri Dona Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Dede Mahdiyah Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Winarta Budiwinata Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Hariadi Widodo Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia


Kata Kunci:

Breast cancer screening, Postpartum mothers, Early detection, Self-Breast Examination (SBE), Health education


Latar Belakang: Kanker payudara tetap menjadi penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas pada wanita, dengan deteksi dini memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan hasil pengobatan. Ibu postpartum menghadapi tantangan unik dalam skrining kanker payudara karena perubahan fisiologis pada jaringan payudara, laktasi, dan tuntutan perawatan bayi.

Tujuan: Tinjauan literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktik skrining kanker payudara pada ibu postpartum, mengidentifikasi hambatan dan faktor pendukung, serta mengusulkan strategi untuk meningkatkan partisipasi skrining selama periode kritis ini.

Metode: Tinjauan naratif dilakukan dengan menganalisis studi dari jurnal peer-review. Artikel dipilih berdasarkan relevansinya dengan skrining kanker payudara, ibu postpartum, dan metode deteksi dini. Data disintesis untuk menyoroti temuan kunci, mengidentifikasi kesenjangan, dan memberikan wawasan yang dapat ditindaklanjuti.

Pembahasan: Ibu postpartum mengalami hambatan signifikan dalam skrining kanker payudara, termasuk perubahan hormonal, kondisi terkait laktasi, dan kesadaran yang terbatas. Perubahan fisiologis pada jaringan payudara dapat mengaburkan gejala awal, menunda diagnosis. Namun, pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SBE) dan akupresur terbukti efektif untuk deteksi dini dan peningkatan kesehatan payudara. Intervensi penyedia layanan kesehatan, seperti konseling dan pendidikan selama kunjungan postpartum, meningkatkan kepatuhan skrining. Pendidikan yang disesuaikan dan pendekatan perawatan terintegrasi sangat penting untuk mengatasi hambatan dan meningkatkan kesadaran di kalangan ibu postpartum.

Kesimpulan: Skrining kanker payudara selama periode postpartum sangat penting namun kurang dimanfaatkan. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengeksplorasi teknologi dan intervensi inovatif guna mengoptimalkan deteksi dini pada populasi ini.


Background: Breast cancer remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women, with early detection playing a critical role in improving outcomes. Postpartum mothers face unique challenges related to breast cancer screening due to physiological changes in breast tissue, lactation, and competing demands of infant care.

Objective: This literature review explores breast cancer screening practices in postpartum mothers, identifies barriers and facilitators, and proposes strategies to improve screening uptake during this critical period.

Method: A narrative review was conducted by analyzing studies from peer-reviewed journals. Articles were selected based on their relevance to breast cancer screening, postpartum mothers, and early detection methods. The data were synthesized to highlight key findings, identify gaps, and provide actionable insights.

Results: Postpartum mothers experience significant barriers to breast cancer screening, including hormonal changes, lactation-related conditions, and limited awareness. Physiological remodeling of breast tissue can obscure early symptoms, delaying diagnosis. Despite these challenges, self-breast examination (BSE) and acupressure are effective techniques for early detection and breast health improvement. Studies show that BSE reduces mortality by up to 20%, while targeted acupressure enhances lactation and breast tissue awareness. Healthcare provider interventions, such as counseling and education during postpartum visits, improve screening adherence.

Conclusion: Breast cancer screening during the postpartum period is essential yet underutilized. Tailored education and integrated care approaches are critical to overcoming barriers and enhancing awareness among postpartum mothers. Further research should explore innovative technologies and interventions to optimize early detection in this population.


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Cara Mengutip

Rahmawati, D., Dona, S., Mahdiyah, D., Budiwinata, W., & Widodo, H. (2025). Breast cancer screening in postpartum mother: A literature review: Skrining kanker payudara pada ibu postpartum: Tinjauan literatur. Health Sciences International Journal, 3(1), 104-114.

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